Friday, March 20, 2009

Vocab IV

Animosity from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 139

"For a while there was animosity between John Smith and some of the colonists."

Clues - "For a while" "Between"
Synonyms - Anger, disagreement, hate
Antonyms - Happy, understanding
Definition - Keen hostile feelings.
Sentence - "Don't be jelous of my gangsta guitar riffs. There's no need for animosity."

Arable from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 45

"For the most part, the land in Nova Scotia is not arable."

Clues - No clues really... maybe, "not"
Synonyms - Farmable, fertile
Antonyms - Dry, dead, bare
Definition - Suitable for producing crops which require plowing and tillage.
Sentence - "No, there is no land that is arable for planting the seeds of rock."

Pallid from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 63

"There are few pallid faces in Nova Scotia."

Clues - "few" and that this is Nova Scotia.
Synonyms - Pale, Albino, Unhealthy
Antonyms - Dark, Healthy
Definition - Lacking normal color; wan; pale
Sentence - "Sometimes we like to have pallid faces on stage to give the illusion that we're some sort of vampire gangstas."

Another Reflection

The vocabulary for this class really hasn't effected me a whole lot. I don't really study for it and I don't put time into it. The only time that I actually put into vacab is when I am taking the test in class with everyone else.

The only thing that I can say that vocab has done for me is just clarify some of the definitions. Now I can feel more confident that I can be accurate in what I am trying to say to someone. That effect however is really minimal. I know most of the words before we are suppose to even look at them.

As far as remembering them long term or short term goes I know most of the words so I pretty much remember them long term. There are some words that I forget but I probably would not use them anyway. I only forget them in the sense that I would not just say them in a conversation but I would understand them if I read it somewhere or someone else used it.

So all in all.... nothing has really changed. I approach new vocabulary the same way as always which is actually not approaching them at all. If I see something that I have absolutely no idea as to what it means then I'll look it up once and just leave it at that.

I don't mean to sound cocky or anything but that really is how I approach vocab. I have a photographic memory so I guess that really helps.

Calendar Fo

Two Due Lyst

1) Practice guitar pieces.
2) Define my subject for my argumentative essay.
3) Work on my website.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Infectious from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 83

"Massey's cellmate pointed out that the bacteria in the garbage was highly infectious."

Clues - Bacteria spreads
Synonyms - Contagious
Antonyms - Sterile
Definition - Spread by infection. Apt to spread from one to another.
Sentence - "My thick guitar riffs are infectious."

Raiment from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 95

"Unfortunately, Massey was trapped in one of the garbage containers for over nine hours before he was tossed out onto the city dump and half-buried in garbage. When he finally crawled free, his biggest obstacle was his raiment."

Clues - uhhh... I didn't really get any clues.
Synonyms - garbes, clothes
Antonyms - Opposite of clothes?.... dunnoo....
Definition - Clothing, garments.
Sentence - "After rockin' out, the women had their raiments littering the stage."

Longevity from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 107

"Before his escape plans backfired, Massey had been confident that he would achieve longevity."

Clues - He thought that they would work forever.
Synonyms - Extended, Long
Antonyms - Quick, short
Definition - Long Life
Sentence - "I hope to have longevity in my band."

Calendar Tres

To Dooooooo Liiiiiisssst
1) Start learning a new song for my guitar final.
2) Work on creating new songs with my bandmate.
3) Work in some lab hours.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Vocab III

Pittance from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 35

"When Manny was a young singer, he shared a tiny apartment in Greenwich Village and managed to live on a pittance."

Clues - He's not rich, young, and lives in a small apartment.
Synonyms - Chump Change
Antonyms - Big Bucks, Wads of Cash ...maybe
Definition - A small allowance of money.
Sentence - "My paychecks are barely a pittance"

Prodigy from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 43

"At the time Manny lived in Greenwich Village, the streets were filled with musical and artistic prodigies."

Clues - It shows that these people have some sort of skill
Synonyms - gifted, brilliant, skilled
Antonyms - untalented, unlucky
Definition - Person endowed with amazing brilliance, talent, etc. especially a remarkably talented child.
Sentence - "I'm a prodigy of coolness."

Derided from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 89

"All the rest in now ancient history. After three performances at a popular nightclub, Manny was offered a recording contract. Manny's Village friends, who lived only for their art, were quick to deride Manny's sudden success."

Clues - They were slightly jelous and decided to laugh at him to bring him down.
Synonyms - Jelous, envy, ridicule
Antonyms - Praise
Definition - Make fun of, laugh at in scorn.
Sentence - "No one is ever quick to deride my awsome coolness. I'm just too awsomely cool for that."

Reflection Post

This next week I'm going to work on managing my time better. I spend a lot of time jamming and simply hanging out with friends. I suppose jamming is good for my music classes and it is one of the main things I like to do so I can't really cut that down as much as other stuff.

It's not like I don't spend time studying and whatnot but I need to make more of an effort to get work done. I usually do thing at the last minute and that's not good. It works in the end I guess... but it's not the best way to do things.

For the next month or so I have to go to court almost every day. Add full time school on top of that and it suddenly becomes hard to find extra time. I also never get the chance to sleep in which is the worst part. I love my sleep but at the same time I'm a nocturnal type of person so I always stay up late.

I think what I need to do is just cut down on hanging out with friends because of boredom and just get work done in small increments everyday instead of on the last day possible. I can just stick to jamming and hanging out here and there.

Procrastination is kind of good though because you get to review everything the night before class so the next day you get into class everything is fresh in your mind. At least it's not all bad.

So yeah, those are my thoughts for this upcoming week.

Calendar 2

To Doooooooo fooooor mooooonday

1.) Catch up on required reading.
2.) Practice "Study in A minor" for tuesday.
3.) Write my essay for another class.