Friday, March 20, 2009

Another Reflection

The vocabulary for this class really hasn't effected me a whole lot. I don't really study for it and I don't put time into it. The only time that I actually put into vacab is when I am taking the test in class with everyone else.

The only thing that I can say that vocab has done for me is just clarify some of the definitions. Now I can feel more confident that I can be accurate in what I am trying to say to someone. That effect however is really minimal. I know most of the words before we are suppose to even look at them.

As far as remembering them long term or short term goes I know most of the words so I pretty much remember them long term. There are some words that I forget but I probably would not use them anyway. I only forget them in the sense that I would not just say them in a conversation but I would understand them if I read it somewhere or someone else used it.

So all in all.... nothing has really changed. I approach new vocabulary the same way as always which is actually not approaching them at all. If I see something that I have absolutely no idea as to what it means then I'll look it up once and just leave it at that.

I don't mean to sound cocky or anything but that really is how I approach vocab. I have a photographic memory so I guess that really helps.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it sounds cocky. It is clear that you have a very good handle on vocabulary in general. Hopefully the words that that photographic memory of yours takes note of will be useful to you sometime in the future.
