Friday, March 6, 2009

Vocab III

Pittance from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 35

"When Manny was a young singer, he shared a tiny apartment in Greenwich Village and managed to live on a pittance."

Clues - He's not rich, young, and lives in a small apartment.
Synonyms - Chump Change
Antonyms - Big Bucks, Wads of Cash ...maybe
Definition - A small allowance of money.
Sentence - "My paychecks are barely a pittance"

Prodigy from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 43

"At the time Manny lived in Greenwich Village, the streets were filled with musical and artistic prodigies."

Clues - It shows that these people have some sort of skill
Synonyms - gifted, brilliant, skilled
Antonyms - untalented, unlucky
Definition - Person endowed with amazing brilliance, talent, etc. especially a remarkably talented child.
Sentence - "I'm a prodigy of coolness."

Derided from "Efficient and Flexible Reading" pg. 89

"All the rest in now ancient history. After three performances at a popular nightclub, Manny was offered a recording contract. Manny's Village friends, who lived only for their art, were quick to deride Manny's sudden success."

Clues - They were slightly jelous and decided to laugh at him to bring him down.
Synonyms - Jelous, envy, ridicule
Antonyms - Praise
Definition - Make fun of, laugh at in scorn.
Sentence - "No one is ever quick to deride my awsome coolness. I'm just too awsomely cool for that."

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